30.12.2024 - 05.03.2025
Open Data Armenia Contest
For the second time in a row, we launch the annual Open Data Armenia contest, through which we aim to bring together tech specialists, researchers, journalists, students, and everyone who wishes to implement useful projects based on open data related to Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora.

It does not only concern digital official data. Armenia and the Diaspora have a huge cultural heritage, on which there are various data that can serve as the basis for unique technological and awareness-raising projects.

We invite everyone with ideas for carrying out projects based on public open source data, Armenian history, culture and art, literature, economics, and other fields to participate.

The contest may be of interest to:

  • Developers,
  • Researchers and data analysts,
  • Digital humanities specialists,
  • Data journalists and other specialists,
  • And students with a passion for the topic.

Our goal is to encourage developers and researchers to work together and freely exchange experiences, thus increasing the use of open data in valuable projects in Armenia!
If you are interested in a new contest category, email us at opendata@opendata.am and we will consider your suggestion.
total prize fund of the contest
December 30 (Monday)
December 30 (Monday)
Launch of the contest and commencement of accepting applications from participants
February 28 (Friday)
February 28 (Friday)
Close of receipt of applications
March 1-4
March 1-4
Jury evaluation of the participants' projects
March 5-6 (Open Data Week)
March 5-6 (Open Data Week)
Awarding ceremony within the scope of the Open Data Day in Armenia*, part of the International Open Data Day initiative

* The Open Data Day event will be conducted in Armenia for the second time.

International Open Data Day is an initiative organized by the Open Knowledge International Foundation with the support of various intergovernmental and international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank. Events are organized all over the world opendataday.org.
We are preparing a series of workshops, stories, and lectures to help the contest participants, as well as starting preparations for the Open Data Day in Yerevan on March 5-6. Ready-to-go materials and announcements of new events are available on our Telegram and Youtube channels.
Rules of participation
  1. The contest is open to participants both as individuals and in teams of up to five people.
  2. The contest is open to students and specialists from different countries who are interested in the culture and history of Armenia and the Armenian people.
  3. Participants are free to use any sources of open data, primarily related to the culture and history of Armenia and the Armenian people.
  4. All submitted materials must be published open source and distributed under a free license (Creative Commons, MIT, Apache 2, and others). Usefull links: https://opendefinition.org/guide/ and https://opensource.org/licenses/
  5. Publications must be kept online for a minimum of 1 year.
  6. Participants should submit a brief report describing their product, methodology, and data sources used.
  7. All contributions should be submitted in English (a description in Armenian, Russian or another language is optional).
Winners of last year's contest

Data visualization nomination

2nd place:

3rd place:

Cultural Apps Nomination

Where to pull open data for the projects?

You will find more information about Armenia-related data sources in our Telegram channel Open Data Armenia https://t.me/opendataam.

Media Partners
Open Data Development Center Public Organization https://opendata.am
What we do?

- Create a sustainable ecosystem of publishing and working with open data in the Republic of Armenia.
- Attract talented youth and IT specialists to create new tech products aimed at improving life quality in the Republic of Armenia.
- Promote the culture of openness (open source code and open data), data analytics, as well as data engineering in the Republic of Armenia.
- Advance Armenian language and culture all over the world utilizing open data and open source code.
For all questions contact: